Hello Alan,

In fact, I want to be sure the users can run it on every machine in our network. Especially, I want to be able to run it on Solaris 5.8 with python 1.5 (Unix machine). I wanted to know if I could make some custom executable like in C when you want to build a executable with a static library to be sure if the system does not have
the correct shares libraries.

Perhaps the better is to build a python version embedded in my application installation. Do you have any examples or tutorial on how integrate python inside a pplication to be sure that we have all in one and not depand on any local machine installation environment.
I need as to embed gtk python library for graphical use.


Alan Gauld wrote:

"Karim Liateni" <karim.liat...@free.fr> wrote

on machine which doesn't have recent version (2.0) of python.

Given that v2 is at least 10 years old now that's not really "recent"
I'd be surprised if any current Linux distros had anything that old on them! Even the ones designed for old hardware. In fact, are you sure your code runs on v1 python? There have been a lot of language changes since then.

the compile()
method but how can I use it to make all in one executable

compile() doesn't make an exe, it compiles python script into python byte code - much as the javac compiler compiles java source into java bytecode.

run on old system (old python).

Exactly how old is old?

If you write the code to run on an old Python interpreter it should still work(mostly!) on Python 2.6. The trick is not to compile the code but to write code that is consistent wityh the oldest version of Python you need to run on.


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