On 3/28/2010 8:44 AM kevin parks said...
okay. I got the subprocess bit to work and i have os walk doing its walk. But 
now for something i did not think about until i started to think about how to 
fit these two bits to work together.

os walk is going to traverse my dirs from some given starting point and process 
files that it finds that fit my criteria. So i my case it will look for all 
sound files in a given directly structure and then call sox and do a 
conversion. This part i can already probably do just by combining the working 
code that i have … but now i need to have some kind of automagic naming scheme 
that creates an output file name that is based on the input name but is unique, 
either adding a number or suffix before the file extension, or even a time 
stamp. Since we want to create file names that are unique and not clobber 
existing files, but also will tells us something meaningful about how the file 
was created so that finding:

foo01.aif or foo.1.aif would yield something like foo-out01.aif or 
foo01-out.aif or something similar.

How can you do such a thing in python? is there some elegant way to take the 
input file name and combine it with some other string to create the output file 

So you've really got two issues -- building a new name to use, and confirming it's unique.

You can build a new name with the replace method of strings or concatenating pieces of the new name using join or string interpolation.

os.path has some functions you may find helpful:


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