"Neven Gorsic" <neven.gor...@gmail.com> wrote
When I get file path from DirDialog, I get in a (path) variable.
Sometimes that string (path) contains special escape sequences, such as \x,
\r and so on.


When I try to open that file (whose name contains escape sequences) it
doesn't work.

That sounds like a bug in DirDialog since I would expect it to return a properly constructed, platform specific path! Are you sure it doesn't?
What is the len() of the string? The above should return 27 not 24...

I know that raw string marker 'r' in front of string leaves char '\' as
character and not as start of escape sequences,
but I can not apply it to a variable name which contains file path.

You can only apply it to literal strings not variables , regardless of what the variable points to.

Is there a function with same effect as raw string marker, as my problem
must be solved differently?

You might get some help from the os.path library functions. But to be honest I can't see anything obvious... You might have to resort to character by character replacement...


Alan Gauld
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