Thanks again for your input.  Comments below with working (yea!) code.

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 3:23 PM, ALAN GAULD <> wrote:
> Does what I've shown make sense?

Alan - I think I got my mind around it -- I had never used lambda
functions before, so this is new territory to me.  Thanks for the
examples and I think it has me in the right direction.  I included
updated code below, which is working.

2010/4/18 spir ☣ <>:
> All of this is not only plain data, but constant! The case of non-exisitng 
> tag for a given format is, as shown by your 'pass', not to be handled here. 
> Using a class is not only averkill but (wrong in my opininon and) misleading.
> Anyway it won't work since you need more than simple lookup in the case 
> above, meaning some process must be done, and also the case of mp3 (iirc) 
> titles shown in your first post.

Denis - I thought that with all the extra functions that would be
needed, making a class would simplify it for the user (me, in this
case).  I actually have another class that this will be merged into
(maybe it will make more sense then) ... I was just setting up the Tag
classes so I didn't confuse everyone with all the other code ...

Again - I believe I am on the right track (even if it is overkill --
wink).  Here is what I updated and what is working:

class TagNotSupported(Exception):
    '''Raised when trying to use a tag that is not currently supported across
    filetypes.  Hopefully we cover enough so this does not happen!'''

def set_tag(mutagen, tag, value):
    mutagen[tag] = value

class Tags(object):
    '''Wrapper class for a mutagen music file object.'''
    _get_tags = {}
    _set_tags = {}

    def __init__(self, mutagen):
        '''Requires a loaded mutagen object to get us rolling'''
        self._mutagen = mutagen

    def keys(self):
        '''Get list of tag keys in the file.'''
        keys = []
        for key in self._get_tags.keys():
            except KeyError:
        return keys

    def save(self):
        '''Save the mutagen changes.'''

class MP4Tags(Tags):

    _get_tags = {
        'album'         : lambda x: x['\xa9alb'],
        'artist'        : lambda x: x['\xa9ART'],
        'albumartist'   : lambda x: x['aART'],
        'compilation'   : lambda x: x['cpil'],
        'composer'      : lambda x: x['\xa9wrt'],
        'description'   : lambda x: x['\xa9cmt'],
        'discnumber'    : lambda x: [str(x['disk'][0][0]).decode('utf-8')],
        'disctotal'     : lambda x: [str(x['disk'][0][1]).decode('utf-8')],
        'genre'         : lambda x: x['\xa9gen'],
        'title'         : lambda x: x['\xa9nam'],
        'tracknumber'   : lambda x: [str(x['trkn'][0][0]).decode('utf-8')],
        'tracktotal'    : lambda x: [str(x['trkn'][0][1]).decode('utf-8')],
        'date'          : lambda x: x['\xa9day'],

    _set_tags = {
        'album'         : lambda x, v: set_tag(x._mutagen, '\xa9alb', v),
        'albumartist'   : lambda x, v: set_tag(x._mutagen, 'aART',    v),
        'artist'        : lambda x, v: set_tag(x._mutagen, '\xa9ART', v),
        'compilation'   : lambda x, v: set_tag(x._mutagen, 'cpil',    v),
        'composer'      : lambda x, v: set_tag(x._mutagen, '\xa9wrt', v),
        'description'   : lambda x, v: set_tag(x._mutagen, '\xa9cmt', v),
        'discnumber'    : lambda x, v: x.x_of_y('disk', 0, v),
        'disctotal'     : lambda x, v: x.x_of_y('disk', 1, v),
        'genre'         : lambda x, v: set_tag(x._mutagen, '\xa9gen', v),
        'title'         : lambda x, v: set_tag(x._mutagen, '\xa9nam', v),
        'tracknumber'   : lambda x, v: x.x_of_y('trkn', 0, v),
        'tracktotal'    : lambda x, v: x.x_of_y('trkn', 1, v),
        'date'          : lambda x, v: set_tag(x._mutagen, '\xa9day', v),

    def __getitem__(self, key):
            return self._get_tags[key](self._mutagen)
        except KeyError:

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
            self._set_tags[key](self, value)
        except KeyError:
            raise TagNotSupported('The tag "' + key + '" is not supported.')

    def x_of_y(self, key, index, value):
        '''Used to set our disc and track information.  MP4 stores everything
        in a tuple of (x,y).'''

        try: # if this value is not already set, we need defaults
            init_val = self._mutagen[key][0]
        except KeyError:
            init_val = (0,0)

        try: # mutagen often passes things in lists, eg [u'1']
            value = int(value)
        except TypeError:
            value = int(value[0])

        if not index: # if index == 0
            self._mutagen[key] = [(value, init_val[1])]
        else: # if index == 1
            self._mutagen[key] = [(init_val[0], value)]

Thanks again.
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