Art Kendall wrote:
I am running Windows 7 64bit Home premium. with quad cpus and 8G memory. I am using Python 2.6.2.

I have all the Federalist Papers concatenated into one .txt file.
Which is how big? Currently you (unnecessarily) load the entire thing into memory with readlines(). And then you do confusing work to split it apart again, into one list element per paper. And for a while there, you have three copies of the entire text. You're keeping two copies, in the form of alltext and papers. You print out the len(papers). What do you see there? Is it correctly 87 ? If it's not, you have to fix the problem here, before even going on.

I want to prepare a file with a row for each paper and a column for each term. The cells would contain the count of a term in that paper. In the original application in the 1950's 30 single word terms were used. I can now use NoteTab to get a list of all the 8708 separate words in allWords.txt. I can then use that data in statistical exploration of the set of texts.

I have the python program(?) syntax(?) script(?) below that I am using to learn PYTHON. The comments starting with "later" are things I will try to do to make this more useful. I am getting one step at at time to work

It works when the number of terms in the term list is small e.g., 10. I get a file with the correct number of rows (87) and count columns (10) in termcounts.txt. The termcounts.txt file is not correct when I have a larger number of terms, e.g., 100. I get a file with only 40 rows and the correct number of columns. With 8700 terms I get only 40 rows I need to be able to have about 8700 terms. (If this were FORTRAN I would say that the subscript indices were getting scrambled.) (As I develop this I would like to be open-ended with the numbers of input papers and open ended with the number of words/terms.)

# word counts: Federalist papers

import re, textwrap
# read the combined file and split into individual papers
# later create a new version that deals with all files in a folder rather than having papers concatenated
alltext = file("C:/Users/Art/Desktop/fed/feder16v3.txt").readlines()
papers= re.split(r'FEDERALIST No\.'," ".join(alltext))
print len(papers)

countsfile = file("C:/Users/Art/desktop/fed/TermCounts.txt", "w")
syntaxfile = file("C:/Users/Art/desktop/fed/TermCounts.sps", "w")
# later create a python program that extracts all words instead of using NoteTab
termfile   = open("C:/Users/Art/Desktop/fed/allWords.txt")
termlist = termfile.readlines()
termlist = [item.rstrip("\n") for item in termlist]
print len(termlist)
# check for SPSS reserved words
varnames = textwrap.wrap(" ".join([v.lower() in ['and', 'or', 'not', 'eq', 'ge', 'gt', 'le', 'lt', 'ne', 'all', 'by', 'to','with'] and (v+"_r") or v for v in termlist])) syntaxfile.write("data list file= 'c:/users/Art/desktop/fed/termcounts.txt' free/docnumber\n")
syntaxfile.writelines([v + "\n" for v in varnames])
# before using the syntax manually replace spaces internal to a string to underscore // replace (ltrtim(rtrim(varname))," ","_") replace any special characters with @ in variable names

for p in range(len(papers)):
range(len()) is un-pythonic.  Simply do
        for paper in papers:

and of course use paper below instead of papers[p]
   counts = []
   for t in termlist:
counts.append(len(re.findall(r"\b" + t + r"\b", papers[p], re.IGNORECASE)))
   if sum(counts) > 0:
      papernum ="[0-9]+", papers[p]).group(0)
countsfile.write(str(papernum) + " " + " ".join([str(s) for s in counts]) + "\n")


If you're memory limited, you really should sequence through the files, only loading one at a time, rather than all at once. It's no harder. Use dirlist() to make a list of files, then your loop becomes something like:

for  infile in filelist:
     paper = " ".join(open(infile, "r").readlines())

Naturally, to do it right, you should use with... Or at least close each file when done.


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