Hello all, this is the first time I ask for advice but I've been lurking for some month and i'm sure I'll find more than I need. I'm learning Python and Tkinter, and I chose an old board game as a practice field. I used a Canvas and many Polygons, one for each hexagonal space of the board, and I bound a mouse click to a PlacePiece function that handles the move. I managed to make it work for two human players, but when it came to let the computer play, I found a problem. I made a slightly different function, called Auto_PlacePiece, that doesn't get the target hex from an Event, but from arguments given, and I had to figure when this function has to be called. I thought an obvious place is at the end of the move, whether it's a manual or auto one. Just after having switched from a player to the other, if the new current player is "COMPUTER" then an automatic move is triggered. So, where's the problem? The problem is that the Canvas is refreshed, and the previous move becomes visible to the players, *only after the completion of the automatic move!* This is, I think, a consequence of the binding and a feature of Tk's mainloop(): the loop waits for the bound routine to end before redrawing the graphics, and unfortunately I call the automatic move inside (albeit at the very end) of the previous move. And now for the (long awaited) question: How can I ask a Canvas to redraw itself at my command? And if i can't, when should I call the auto move?
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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