I was under the impression that when you define a function, it doesn't try to evaluate anything yet. If I had called the function before I defined the variable, I would understand, but I haven't. The entirety of my (incomplete and buggy) code is now available here: http://pastebin.com/QTNmKYC6

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Thu, 15 Jul 2010 12:18:58 am Corey Richardson wrote:
Hey tutors. Two separate submissions one day, guess I'm getting busy

Anyway, I'm re-writing my hangman program to make use of my new-found
understanding of OOP, and using a GUI this time around. I decided on
coding with Tkinter, to get my feet wet with GUI stuff.

With respect, I'm not sure your new-found understanding is that complete, if you're having problems with simple variables. Have you considered doing some basic tutorials to ensure your understanding of Python has a solid foundation?

Here is the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python31\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1399, in __call__
    return self.func(*args)
  File "C:/Users/Corey/Desktop/HangmanApp.py", line 45, in getLetter
    self.guess = eWordEntryBox.get()
NameError: global name 'eWordEntryBox' is not defined

However, not even 30 lines down, (29, to be exact) there is this
line: eWordEntryBox = tk.Entry(fWordEntry)

Without seeing your actual code, it's impossible to say what's going on except in vague generalities. But consider a program made of just TWO lines:

x = 1

What do you expect will happen? If you are surprised that Python will raise NameError when it tries to print the value of x, then you really should do some basic tutorials.

At the point that the line "print x" is called, x hasn't been defined *yet*, and so it doesn't exist. My guess is that your error is exactly the same -- you might have a line that defines eWordEntryBox 29 lines further down, but at the point that the error occurs, that line hasn't been reached yet, and so eWordEntryBox doesn't exist:

self.guess = eWordEntryBox.get()  # Error occurs here
29 lines of code
eWordEntryBox = tk.Entry(fWordEntry)  # Defined for the first time!

Not understanding what is happening here. Same happens when I tack
self at the beginning of it, except it says global name self is not

You can't just "tack" self at the beginning of variables and expect it to work, any more than you could tack on "akjfhbcvgsaj" and hope for the best! You need to understand *where* the variable self exists, and *what* value it has.

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