Hello Dave,

Thank you very much. This solution worked out very well.

And I liked your style of coding .... ' In less DO more '.

Thank You once again.


PS :- I tried to use a file pointer with raw_input, but that did not work.

> This may help you get started.
> FileNames = ["FileName01", "FileName02", ..., "FileName24"]
> for File in FileNames:
>   List = open(File, 'r').readlines()
>   for Start in [[14, "%s-1" % File], [15,"%s-2" % File]]:
>       OutList = []
>       for Line in range(Start[0]-1, 3024, 5):
>           OutList.append(List[Line])
>       open(("%s.txt" % Start[1]), 'w').writelines(OutList)
> P.S. My code writing style isn't very conventional.
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