On 8/10/2010 10:42 AM, Bill Allen wrote:

I was really off on that algorithm and had way over complicated it.
I have it working correctly now, but for the sake of those who saw my
earlier really botched code, here is the resultant code that works.
The entire inner loop and intermediate variables are removed, but
shown commented out.  I had somehow thought I needed to read each
member of each subarray in individually.  That was not the case and
that inner loop was overwriting the array.

# reads one line at a time from file and puts data into array
     for line in textf:
         #tempwords = line.split(None)
         #for n in range(0, len(room)-1):
         #    roomx[n] = tempwords[n]
         #room[m] = roomx
         room[m] = line.split(None)
         m += 1

Great. Good work. Teach a man to fish?

Now for the refinements. First you can use enumerate to obtain the room index:

    for m, line in enumerate(textf):
        room[m] = line.split(None)

Second you can start with an empty list and append:

    rooms = []
    for line in textf:

Third you can use list comprehension:

    rooms = [line.split(None) for line in textf]

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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