On 8/19/10, Roelof Wobben <rwob...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have this exercise:
> Now write the function is_odd(n) that returns True when n is odd and False
> otherwise. Include doctests for this function as you write it.
> Finally, modify it so that it uses a call to is_even to determine if its
> argument is an odd integer.
> So I thought of this :
> def is_even(argument):
>     remainder= argument%2
>     if remainder == 0 :
>         return True
>     else :
>         return False
> def is_odd(argument):
>   uitkomst=is_even(argument)
> return uitkomst
The above line, the return statement, has to be indented; it did not
appear to be in your email. Also, maybe you want to return the
opposite of is_even in is_odd? Right now it looks like you are going
to get something like:
is_odd(3): is_even(3)=False, so is_odd(3) will echo that False. Maybe
return !uitkomst instead. I could have read it wrong, though.

> even=is_odd(1) ;
> if even==True :
>   print "Even getal"
> if even==False:
>     print "Oneven getal"
> But now I get this error message :
> return uitkomst
> Syntax error : return outside function.
> In my opinon even calls is_odd , then uitkomst calls is_even which gives a
> true or false to uitkomst. So return uitkomst gives the outcome to even.
> But the intepreter thinks otherwise.
> I work on a Win7 machine with Python 2.7
> Roelof

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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