Now, I'm no pro at programming in Python, but here's what I recommend you
do. I would have a class at the beginning to define all of the rooms, and
then have the rest of the code below that. Then, it makes it easier to
follow. In addition, I would also have a function that stores the name of
the room in a variable which can then call the "Look around" type function.
I would also have a variable that has the number of all of the gold and then
another one that has the amount of gold that the player has. I would place
the entire program in a loop so that every time the loop runs and checks if
the player has found all of the gold, and if the player has, it acts
accordingly. For example:

class rooms:
     (code for the various rooms goes here)

if all_gold != player_gold:
     do this
     (program goes here)
     do this

    Regarding the compass part (N, S, E, W) I would also do a bunch of if's
for each possible answer, and then an if on top of those. For example:

if value != None:
     if value == whatever_value:
          do this
     if value == other_value:
          do other thing

If you need extra help, just let me know.

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 9:42 PM, kevin hayes <> wrote:

> Hi all! I'm trying to write a basic text adventure game to start learning
> python (just for fun). I've gone through the first four chapters of a "learn
> python game programming book" and I'm having trouble with the exercise on
> writing a text adventure.  I've been piecing together what is in the book
> with some examples I found online. My goal with this question is not to
> necessarily make the code I've written work, but to gain a fundamental
> understanding of the concepts.
>         Can someone show me how to organize a text-based game with these
> things kept in mind:  1)Each room will be a function 2)Direction(N,S,E,W)
> 3)"Look at" 4)Pick Up 5)Quit 6)Accumulated Gold Coins 7) Find all the Gold
> 8)Win/Lose
>          I'm looking for the simplest version of this as possible, because
> I'm having trouble with the concepts. I'm only showing my code to give you
> an idea where I'm at. However, I would really like someone to lay out a
> little code structure for me.
> I'm using Python 2.6.5 on a Mac Version 10.4.11 and don't consider myself
> computer literate, so bear with my ignorance please.
>         Also, don't feel like you have to correct my code...please just
> create your own example of code structure to get me on the right track.
> Here is the start of my game:
> """
> First try at creating a text-based adventure game.  Trying to learn the
> basics
> of creating functions and using if and loops.
> kevin: 8/27/10"""
> keepGoing = True
> while keepGoing == True:
>     global gold
>     gold = 0
>     def RoomOne():
>         print "You find yourself in a large room. Above you is a massive
> crystal"
>         print "chandelier. In front of you is round stone fountain, spewing
> water"
>         print "from it's center. On the walls hang green satin drapery.
>  The ceiling"
>         print "is comprised of three ornate arches. There is an arch in
> front of you"
>         print "and to your right and left. A staircase leads up from under
> the arch"
>         print "in front of you. Under the arches to your left and right are
> large wooden"
>         print "doors, each with an iron handle. Enter 'Help' for a full
> list of commands."
>     RoomOne()
>     Command = raw_input("Please enter a command. ")
>     Command = Command.upper()
>     if Command == "N":
>         RoomFour()
>     elif Command == "S":
>         print "You ditched the creepy castle and headed for the road."
>         keepGoing == False
>     elif Command == "E":
>         RoomTwo()
>     elif Command == "HELP":
>         print "List of Commands: 'Help',then enter for this list."
>         print                   "'N', then enter = Door to the North."
>         print                   "'S', then enter = Door to the South."
>         print                   "'E', then enter = Door to the East."
>         print                   "'W', then enter = Door to the West."
>         print                   "'Look at', then 'objects name', then enter
> = Looks at an object."
>         print                   "'Pick Up', then 'objects name', then enter
> = Picks up an object."
>         print                   "'Q', then enter = Quit Game."
>     elif Command == "W":
>         RoomSix()
>     elif Command == "LOOK AT FOUNTAIN":
>         print "There appears to be 4 gold coins in it."
>     elif Command == "PICK UP 4 GOLD COINS":
>         gold = gold + 4
>         print "Current Gold = ", gold
>     elif Command == "Q":
>         keepGoing = False
>     else:
>         print "That doesn't work."
>     def RoomTwo():
>         print "Current Gold = ", gold
>         print "In the middle of the room is a large Gargoyle with fiery red
> eyes."
>         print "He's holding a cup. In the southeast corner of the room you
> see a broom"
>         print "with dust and cob-webs on it. Next to the broom is a dead
> rat."
>         print "To the north is another door. In front of the door is an
> overturned basket."
>     promptTwo = raw_input("What are you going to do? ")
>     promptTwo = promptTwo.upper()
>     if promptTwo == "N":
>         RoomThree()
>     elif promptTwo == "S":
>         print "There is no door there."
>     elif promptTwo == "W":
>         RoomOne()
>     elif promptTwo == "E":
>         print "There is only a wall there."
>     elif promptTwo == "Q":
>         keepGoing = False
>     elif promptTwo == "PICK UP BASKET":
>         print "You pick up the basket, revealing 2 gold pieces."
>         RoomTwo()
>     elif promptTwo == "PICK UP 2 GOLD COINS":
>         gold = gold + 2
>         print "Current Gold = ", gold
>         RoomTwo()
>     elif promptTwo == "LOOK AT GARGOYLE":
>         print "Looking at the Gargoyle you notice he's really mean, and
> really still."
>         RoomTwo()
>     elif promptTwo == "LOOK AT BROOM":
>         print "Looking at the broom, you notice it's unnecessarity dirty."
>     elif promptTwo == "PICK UP BROOM":
>         print " You pick up the broom. But you don't notice anything
> special, so you"
>         print "set it back down where it was."
>     elif promptTwo == "LOOK AT CUP":
>         print "You look at the cup, and find nothing of interest."
>     elif promptTwo == "LOOK AT DEAD RAT":
>         print "You look at the dead rat and find it utterly disgusting."
>     elif promptTwo == "HELP":
>         print "List of Commands: 'Help',then enter for this list."
>         print                   "'N', then enter = Door to the North."
>         print                   "'S', then enter = Door to the South."
>         print                   "'E', then enter = Door to the East."
>         print                   "'W', then enter = Door to the West."
>         print                   "'Look at', then 'objects name', then enter
> = Looks at an object."
>         print                   "'Pick Up', then 'objects name', then enter
> = Picks up an object."
>         print                   "'Q', then enter = Quit Game."
>     else:
>         print "That didn't work."
>     def RoomThree():
>         print "Current Gold = ", gold
>         print "To the north is a giant replica of a wooley mamoth.  His
> tusks are made"
>         print "of gold. To the east is a painting of Mother Theresa.  Under
> the painting"
>         print "is a baby's crib. The only doors you see are to the south
> and west."
>     promptThree = raw_input("What would you like to do? ")
>     promptThree = promptThree.upper()
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