The sizes given are in bytes. So 200,000 instances of this class, plus
the list to hold them, would take approximately 34 megabytes. An entry
level PC these days has 1000 megabytes of memory. "Huge"? Not even

The items hold a lot of metadata, which I didn't provide in my example. Depending on the source up to 30 addional attributes per item, mainly strings. And I will have several sources.

So far
there're no restrictions about how to model the items. They can be
dicts, objects of a custom class (preferable with __slots__) or

Those items have references to each other using ids.

That approach sounds slow and ponderous to me. Why don't you just give
items direct references to each other, instead of indirect using ids?

Unfortunately I have to able to use a relational database later on. Currently I'm using a document database for developement. That's where the ids are coming from and you're right: They are a pain ... ;-)

If you *need* indirection, say because you are keeping the data in a
database and you want to only lazily load it when needed, rather than
all at once, then the right approach is probably a proxy object:

class PartProxy(object):
     def __init__(self, database_id):
         self._info = None
         self.database_id = database_id
     def info(self):
         if self._info is None:
             self._info = get_from_database(self.database_id)
         return self._info

That's it! Excactly what I was looking for! That eases the id-pain. Thanks!!


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