"Srinidhi Rao" <srinidhi...@gmail.com> wrote

I am a beginner here want to explore python,

Hi, are you a beginner to programming or just to Python?
There are many good books for those converting from other languages,
there are not so many for those starting from scratch.

To Start with which is the best book to get a hang of what python is and
also provide some distinction between the Python 2.6 and 3.x...

Most books deal with one otr the other, I don't know of any that
compare the two. My online tutorlial is availavble for both and by
comparing versions you would get some idea. But the best way
is to read the Python v3 "Whats New" pages...

If this question is relevant can any one suggest which book to refer for the
DataStructures(preferably in C) to have some backdrop.

I'm not sure what you are looking for here. Python and C data
structures are very different. Python works at a much higher level,
abstract concept and C works at a low level, close to memory.

Finally, do you explicitly want dead tree books or Kindle type e-books
or are you OK with web based resources?


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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