Hello Peter!

I added the line you suggested me and found out that I was just searching
for the filenames without pointing to a specific directory, so Python took
its directory (Python26) as default. After that I need to add a '\' to
separate the path from the filename because it was reading them as a single
string. But finally it worked nicely! here is the corrected script.

import os, time, socket, pylab, fnmatch
from xlwt import Workbook
from osgeo import ogr,gdal,osr
from dbf import *

file_list = []
folders = None
for root, folders, files in os.walk( "C:\\" ):
     for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, '*.shp'):
       file_list.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
wrkbk = Workbook()
wksht = wrkbk.add_sheet('shp')
for row, filepath in enumerate(file_list, start=1):
 wksht.row(row).write(0, filepath)
 (ruta, filename) = os.path.split(filepath)
 wksht.row(row).write(1, filename)
 n = os.path.splitext(filename)
 p = ruta+'\\'+n[0]+'.prj'
#"ruta" is the variable that saves the pathfile
 print "looking for", p
#I changed to os.path.exists()
 if os.path.exists(p):
      wksht.row(row).write(2, 1)
      wksht.row(row).write(2, 0)

#Mensajes para mostar en la consola
SEARCH_PATH = os.getcwd()
TARGET_FILE = os.path.realpath('shp3.xls')
print "Buscando en", SEARCH_PATH, "and writing to", TARGET_FILE
print "Encontrando archivos..."
print "Escribiendo archivo de Excel..."
print "Listo."

Thank you so much fro your help!
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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