"Andre Jeyarajan" <andrejeyara...@rogers.com> wrote

Write two functions that will convert temperatures
back and forth from the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature
scales (using raw_input)

If we ignore the raw_input bit you have done what you were asked.

def C_F(x):
   y = (x-32)*(5.0/9)
   print y

Although as a stylistic point it is better to return values from
functions rather than print the values inside the functions.
You can then print the result of the function like this:

print C_F(x)

def F_C(x):
    y = (x*9.0/5)+32
    print y

I have created the two functions but I don’t know what to do from here.

I suspect the assignment expects you to provide some code
that uses them, to show they work. Given the raw_input hint I'd
surmise they want you to ask the user for a temperature in C or F
and use your functions to print the corresponding temperature
in the other scale.

You will need to convert the raw_input value to an integer for
the functions to work. Can you do that?

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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