> Hey I write this code up
> from Tkinter import *
> root=Tk()
> var=StringVar()
> c.pack()
> root.mainloop()
> and i got the output as -
> [image: Screenshot.png]
> When i take the var as of string variable type i am  unable to edit the
> checkbox. It comes slected predefined and the widget in kindof Invisible
> and
> u can say uneditable. Can anybody tell me whats i am  doing wrong in
> this??? Its works fine if i take the var variable as the integer variable.
> I can deselect and select in that case and it gives me the desired result
> but in string case i am unable to do so as checkbox is invisible type.
> I am using Python 2.6
> Thanks In Advance
> Ankur Aggarwal

The variable appears greyed out because initially var.get() == "", see

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