Hello All,
I am having an issue with lists and am not sure where to go from here any 
advice appreciated. I colored the areas of concern.
blue my comments
purple example of output
red area area concerned
theoretically written not tested
 Sorry if its messy still a newbie.
Thanks in advance!
# Import native arcgisscripting module
import arcgisscripting, sys, string, os, math
# Create the geoprocessor object
gp = arcgisscripting.create(9.3)
gp.overwriteoutput = 1

# Check out any necessary licenses
# Load required toolboxes...
gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files (x86)/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Spatial 
Analyst Tools.tbx")
gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files (x86)/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Conversion 
gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files (x86)/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Data 
Management Tools.tbx")
gp.workspace = "D:\model"
# Table and field name inputs
inTable = "D:\model\Files.mdb\Last"
inField = "PATH"
PRField = "PR"
# Variables
ECOAG = "D:\\model\\Files.mdb\\ECOAG" # Eco Ag combined with con statment
t= string.Template("D:\\model\\Files.mdb\\T$Num")
p = string.Template('"PATH" = $Path')
prow = string.Template('"PR" = $PRow')
Files_mdb = "D:\\model\\Files.mdb"

paths = gp.SearchCursor(inTable)
path = paths.Next()
# Create an empty list
PathList = []
while path:
    # If the value is not already in the list, append it
    if path.GetValue(inField) not in PathList:
    path = paths.Next()
# Sort the list alphanumerically    
print PathList[0]
print PathList
logfile=open('listfile.txt', 'w')
logfile.write (str(PathList))
This is the area that I am having complications with I am getting the correct 
output at the end of print PRList however because of the loop it overwrites the 
list each time. Ultimately I need to get a PR list of evens and odds
 but when I put the EVEN Odd Check in the loop it will only calculate the first 
even number then give an error. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\lwood\Desktop\MODEL SCRIPTS\E\oddeven.py", line 65, in <module>
    if PR.GetValue(PRField) not in PRList:
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'GetValue'
There are 233 paths and within each a different number of rows. I need a list 
to make a feature layer of just odds and of evens per each path.
It works fine when it is out of the loop but only gives me the last path list. 
I realize that this it is looping over the list each time and that is why the 
output is for the last path only. I would just like it all in one loop is 
possible but not necessary. 
I'm not sure but what I have thought may work is writing the list to a file and 
appending it each time then reopenning it for the calculations but that seems a 
little much. Perhaps a Mapping technique or dictionary? Or like I mentioned 
before it would be fine to do it all in one loop as well.
for path in PathList:
wrs_season_Layer,p.substitute(Path = str(path)), Files_mdb,)
          print path
          gp.savetolayerfile("wrs_season_Layer", "Path.1yr")
          PRS = gp.SearchCursor(inPath)
          PR = PRS.Next()
          PRList = [path]
          while PR:
              # If the value is not already in the list, append it
              if PR.GetValue(PRField) not in PRList:
                  PR = PRS.Next()
                  # Sort the list alphanumerically
                  print PRList
This is part of the output each path is listed first then each row within it 
and if I call PRList[5] is works fine as well 233008
it begins with [1,1001,1002] etc until this is the last output
[233, 233005, 233006, 233007, 233008, 233009, 233010, 233011, 233012, 233013, 
233014, 233015, 233016, 233017, 233018, 233050, 233051, 233052, 233053, 233054, 
233055, 233056, 233057, 233058, 233059, 233060, 233061, 233062, 233063, 233064, 
233065, 233066, 233067, 233068, 233069, 233070, 233071, 233072, 233073, 233074, 
233075, 233076, 233077, 233078, 233079, 233080, 233081, 233082, 233083, 233084, 
233085, 233086, 233087, 233088, 233089, 233090, 233091, 233092, 233093, 233094, 
#Even Odd Check
for PR in PRList:
    if PR%2==0:
        print "Evens"
        print PR
    if PR%2>0:
        print "Odds"
        print PR
Evens etc

What I need the list for is here to enter each even or odd PR as a string for a 
SQL selection such as this I have not written yet but I figure it would work 
something like this......
for path in PathList:
     for PR in PRList[path]:
       if PR%2==0:
         print "Evens"

##for calculation
##    gp.MakeFeatureLayer_management(wrs_season_shp, inPath, 
prow.substitute(PRow = str(PR[1]or PRow = str(PR[2] etc....)
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