On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 03:56:44PM +0000, Neven Dragojlovic wrote:
> Please can someone help me? I am trying to install python 2.5.4 on
> MacBookPro running on OS10.6.6, but when I try to set it up on
> Terminal by running "python setup.py install" I get the following:
> IDLE Subprocess: Connection to IDLE GUI failed, exiting.
> Tk_MacOSXSetupTkNotifier: first [load] of TkAqua has to occur in the
> main thread!
> with an extra pop-up saying it can not access port 8833. When I try to
> install that port with "sudo port install `8833'" it again says it can
> not find that port.
> What is going on?
> The trouble started when I installed X11 and fink 0.29.16, with all
> those files coming in and I allowed them. What do I do now?
> Thank you ahead of time,
> Neven

Why don't you try to download `.dmg' image from
http://www.python.org/download/releases/? It can be installed easyly.
Only think you would have to do is to add
`/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/$VERSION/bin' at the
begining of your PATH shell variable to use exactly this version, you
would install.

Dominik Zyla

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