class Television(object):
    def __init__(self,__channel,volume,is_on):
        self.volume = volume
        self.is_on = "Power is off"
        power = self.is_on

    def toggle_power(self):

        if choice == "1" and power == self.is_on  :
            power = "Power is Now on"
        elif choice =="1" and power =="Power is Now on" :
            power = self.is_on
        print power
    def instructions():
        print "0 - Exit"
        print "1 - Toggle Power"
        print "2 - Change Channel"
        print "3 - Raise Volume"
        print "4 - Lower Volume"

choice = ""

while choice != 0:
    choice = raw_input("Can I have a selection number? : ")
    tv = Television(0,50,"is_on")

I'm trying to make a toggle to turn the power on and off in the toggle_power
but I cannot figure  this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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