On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:"

>A more important problem is that it is flattening only one level.
>Multi-level flattening is I think not possible without using some kind
>of recursion."
>Not true, just requires more iterations to check each element. Each >iteration could check if every element is a list and then unpack if it >is a list. When you finally have an iteration that has no lists, you >can end the loop.
>Not time efficient or pretty but it would certainly work without >recursion. I am sure people on this list can provide a better answer >than I can :)

Indeed, something like the following would suffice, in one "pass". Untested:

index = 0
while index < len(mylist):
    if isinstance(mylist[index), list):
        mylist[index:index+1] = mylist[index]
    else index += 1


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