
I'm going to answer to the question I posted in this list.
After a search trouhg web and analize the code, I just had to add a
try/except statement. Now I get what I need. Here is the information:

directorio = sys.argv[1]
extension = sys.argv[2]
csv_salida = sys.argv[3]
#Here I add the line:
     if len(sys.argv) == 4:
        print "Tus argumentos no son correctos"
and here:
except IndexError:
    print "Tus argumentos no son correctos"

2011/3/29 Susana Iraiis Delgado Rodriguez <susana.delgad...@utzmg.edu.mx>

> Hello List:
> I developed a script to walk through a specific directory in my PC and
> look for files with the same extension (.shp). I want the user to enter from
> MS-DOS and write the the directory, file extension and csv filename.
> My script reads the arguments from Windows console, but when I opened the
> txt file and csv file I noticed that isn't walking through all the root I
> wrote in MS-DOS. This is my module:
> import os, csv, time, socket, sys
> from osgeo import ogr,gdal,osr
> #This should be the order for the arguments('csv_args.py [root]
> [file_extension] [csv filename]')
> #The user is typing python csv_args.py C:\ .shp csv.csv
> directorio = sys.argv[1]
> extension = sys.argv[2]
> csv_salida = sys.argv[3]
> if len(sys.argv) == 4:
>     print 'Iniciando...'
>     gdal.AllRegister()
>     file_list = []
>     folders = None
>     for root, folders, files in os.walk(directorio):
>         file_list.extend(os.path.join(root,fi) for fi in files if
> fi.endswith(extension))
>     f = open(csv_salida, 'wb')
>     log = open ('errores.txt','w')
>     writer = csv.writer(f)
>     ruta = 'Ruta'
>     archivo = 'archivo'
>     x_min = 'x_min'
>     x_max = 'x_max'
>     y_min = 'y_min'
>     y_max = 'y_max'
>     geometria = 'geometria'
>     num_elem = 'num_elem'
>     prj = '.prj'
>     proyeccion = 'proyeccion'
>     fecha = 'fecha_modificacion'
>     maq = 'maquina_host'
>     usu = 'usuario'
>     campos =
> [ruta,archivo,x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max,geometria,num_elem,prj,proyeccion,fecha,maq,usu]
>     writer.writerow(campos)
>     for row, filepath in enumerate(file_list, start=1):
>         (ruta, filename) = os.path.split(filepath)
>         shapeData = ogr.Open(filepath)
>         shp = 'Error al abrir el archivo' +filepath
>         if shapeData is None:
>             print shp
>             log.write(shp+"\n")
>         else:
>             layer = shapeData.GetLayer()
>             feature = layer.GetNextFeature()
>             x_y = layer.GetExtent()
>             x1 = x_y[0]
>             x2 = x_y[1]
>             y1 = x_y[2]
>             y2 = x_y[3]
>             defn = layer.GetLayerDefn()
>             geo = defn.GetGeomType()
>             cuenta = layer.GetFeatureCount()
>             proy = layer.GetSpatialRef()
>             prjtext = ''+str(proy)+''
>             n = os.path.splitext(filepath)
>             p = n[0]+'.prj'
>             shx = n[0]+'.shx'
>             dbf = n[0]+'.dbf'
>             filepath = ''+filepath+''
>             filename = ''+filename+''
>             t = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S
> %p",time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(filepath)))
>             modificacion = ''+t+''
>             usuario = os.environ.get("USERNAME")
>             user = ''+usuario+''
>             host = socket.gethostname()
>             maquina = ''+host+''
>             if os.path.exists(shx):
>                 print 'El archivo ' +shx +' existe'
>             else:
>                 og.write('No existe el archivo ' +shx+"\n")
>             if os.path.exists(dbf):
>                 print 'El archivo ' +dbf +' existe'
>             else:
>                 log.write('No existe el archivo ' +dbf+"\n")
>             if os.path.exists(p):
>                 aRow= [ filepath, filename, x1, x2, y1, y2, geo, cuenta, 1,
> prjtext, modificacion, maquina, user]
>                 writer.writerow(aRow)
>             else:
>                 aRow1= [ filepath, filename, x1, x2, y1, y2, geo, cuenta,
> 0, prjtext, modificacion, maquina, user]
>                 writer.writerow(aRow1)
>     log.close()
>     f.close()
>     print "El archivo esta listo"
> else:
>     print "Tus argumentos no son correctos"
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