Am 01.04.2011 19:16, schrieb Karim:


I would like to get advice on the best practice to count elements in a
list (built from scractch).

It's not clear to me what your starting point is.

If you don't have a list and don't need a list, but have a large number of objects you create in your code sequentially or a large number of other events and you want to know how many of those objects exist / events have occured, then simply use a counter while creating.

If you have a list (for whatever reason), then use len().



The number of elements is in the range 1e3 and 1e6.

1) I could create a generator and set a counter (i +=1) in the loop.

2) or simply len(mylist).

I don't need the content of the list, indeed, in term of memory I don't
want to wast it. But I suppose len() is optimized too (C impementation).

If you have some thought to share don't hesitate.

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