"Susana Iraiis Delgado Rodriguez" <susana.delgad...@utzmg.edu.mx> wrote

   from _mapnik import *
ImportError: Module use of python25.dll conflicts with this version of

I'm using Python 2.6

You will need to find a Python 2.6 version of the DLL or revert
your Python version to 2.5. This is always a risk when using
third party modules. Ther may not be an updated version to
match your Python.

If there isn't a 2.6 version you might try asking the maintainer
to create a new version, it may well just involve a rebuild for
them. But if the maintainer has lost interst, ior its a more
complex issue you might be out of luck and have to revert
to 2.5.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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