

I have another assignment I am trying to fine tune. The idea is to make sure
exceptions work. I have come up with a problem when testing my code. When I
enter a golf score for a player the program returns the 'error that has
occurred'. I only want it to do this if someone doesn't enter an number.


Could I have some comments on my code for the first program of my assignment
if you have some time please. 


"""Assignment Question:  The Springfork Amateur Golf club has a tournament
every weekend.

The club president has asked you to write two programs:

1. A program that will read each player's name and golf score as keyboard

input and then to save these records in a file named golf.txt. (Each record

will have a field name for the player's name and a field for the player's


2. A program that reads the records from the golf.txt and displays them."""




def main():



        # Get the number of players

        golf_scores = int(raw_input('How many players playing this weekend?


        # Open a file to hold player names and scores

        player_data = open('golf.txt', 'w')


        # Get the players name and score and write it to the file

        for count in range(1, golf_scores + 1):

            # Get the name name and score for player

            print 'Enter the name and score for player #' + str(count)

            name = raw_input('Name: ')

            score = int(raw_input('Score: '))


            # Write the data as a record to the file golf.txt

            player_data.write(name + '\n')

            player_data.write(score + '\n')


        # Display a blank line



        # Close the file


        print 'Players and their score have been written to golf.txt.'


    except IOError:

        print 'An error occured trying to write information to file.'


    except ValueError:

        print 'A numberic value must be entered.'



        print 'An error occured.'




# Call the main function



Thanks in advance.



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