Hello tutors,

Have not posted in a while. Started learning python a while back but had to
stop after a couple of weeks due to lack of time. Anyway pretty much
forgotten most things but if anyone has time I would love some feedback on
my application.

My main aim to to learn python, as a hobby, and participate in some open
source projects for fun.

The code is in two files, one for functions and the main file:

http://paste.pound-python.org/show/6770/ (pyDSFunctions.py)

http://paste.pound-python.org/show/6773/ (main file)

So yeah, I doubt I can write code like this with others so I would like to
get feedback on how to make this team friendly I guess. Any newbie stuff I
am doing that other coders might laugh at :P

I like this program though, so I plan to work on it for a while.

Stuff I will add later is, being able to store data collected so a user can
dive into a sub-directory with out refreshing each time (takes a while) and
also build a GUI (shouldnt be too hard as I am trying to make functions to
make the transition easier.)

Well thank you very much for readying my post!

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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