On 20-05-11 19:43, michael scott wrote:
Okay, my title might be undescriptive, let me try to explain it better. I want to take a script I've written and make it usable by typing its name in the terminal. Perfect example is the python interpreter. You just type in the word python to the terminal and then the interpreter runs. I know other programs can do this as well (like mozilla or nautilus or rhythmbox). So how do I make my scripts executable from the terminal?
I can only speak for Linux, but your script should be in a directory that is in the PATH variable of your environment. The reason why you can just enter a program name in the terminal, is because these should be in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin and these are in PATH.

Type this in the terminal to see which ones:
echo $PATH

You can either put your script in one of those directories or add on to PATH.


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