On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.ga...@btinternet.com>wrote:

> Alexander wrote:
>> Hello everyone. I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around a project I'm
>> working on. My goal is to create a program that manages (allows its users
>> to
>> manipulate, search by criteria and edit) objects. There is one type of
>> object, for example I'll say it's a car.
>> There will be a central data file containing all of the cars and multiple
>> users will have access to it at once. I'm having trouble here, I've done
>> some research on MOO and twisted but I'm not sure where to turn.
> I'd forget twisted etc for this, it sounds more like a traditional database
> is whats needed.
>  Additionally I'll need a GUI! tkinter? Does anyone have any suggestions on
>> how to get started with tkinter? I'm overwhelmed with the amount of
>> documentation I've had to read and think I have to read to accomplish my
>> goal.
> Learning any GUI is a painful leaning curve. If you really need a desktop
> client rather than a web based solution I'd look at Dabo.
> It has a GUI builder (based on wxPython rather than Tkinter) and is focused
> on data oriented applications.
> But if you can go down the web root then most python web frameworks will
> provide both the UI and database elements for you and you get a lot of
> standard functionality (login etc) for free...
> HTH,
> Alan G.

Thanks for the replies Alan, James, and Knacktus. I'll research Django. I've
been trying to work on this project for a few months and just came across
the mailing list today. I appreciate your help, thanks!
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