I am using wxPython and OpenGL, although I would prefer to run a script in
Maya, but this does not seem efficient for what I want to do, since maya
only allows for 3-D visualization, not simultaneous 2-D/3-D viewing (i.e.,

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 7:37 PM, Alan Gauld <alan.ga...@btinternet.com>wrote:

> On 04/08/11 20:52, Shwinn Ricci wrote:
>> Say I want one half of a 720 x 480 window be dedicated for creating a
>> 2-D structure, and the other half for a 3-D structure. There would be a
>> line 1 or 2 pixels thick straight down the window that would divide the
>> two sectors. How does one go about doing this without creating two
>> separate GUI window frames? I do not have my code with me right now, I
>> can post as soon as I have access to it.
> You need to give yus more detail. This kind of thing is very GUI frame-work
> specific. Are you using Tkinter? wxPython?, Cocoa on MacOSX?
> They are all different.
> And because you want to do graphics you also need to tell us what graphics
> toolkit you are using? OpenGL? Something else?
> Or are you trying to script Blender or Maya or some other 2D/3D modelling
> tool?
> --
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web site
> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
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