On 17/08/11 09:02, Alan Gauld wrote:
On 17/08/11 04:05, brandon w wrote:
> I am trying to print in the same place to make a clock in a tkinter
> window. I will loop the following code to update the time.
This is not a tkinter program so its completely irrelevant to your
stated aim. In tkinter how print works is of no importance. You will
not be using print in a tkinter program you will simply be changing
the text in a widget.

> This seems to work but it is not printing in the same place:
> #!/usr/bin/python
> #Python 2.6.6
> import time
> for t in range(5):
> digits = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
> print "\r", digits
> time.sleep(0.1)

That's because you are using \r which is platform dependant
(and even terminal dependant on *nix) . You don't say which
platform you are using. Using \b (backspace) may be more

 >>> print ("test","\b\b\b\b\b\b","Foo")

But, as I say, that won't be very useful in tkinter since you
won't be using print().

Oops, you also need to suppress the newline as Peter Otten mentioned!
You can do that in Python v2 by adding a training comma or in v3 you can
specify no newline as a parameter.

But again, all irrelevent for tkinter.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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