On 8/29/2011 11:29 AM Cranky Frankie said...
I'm trying to decide what would be better:

'better' is subjective. On the one hand, you have a monolithic python program that consolidates data and program into a single source; on the other hand, you have separation of logic and data.

Most often, and particularly for larger on-going projects, I'll use the second approach as the infrastructure to support it is already in place.

However, I am rather fond of certain monolithic solutions as both maintenance and deployment are much easier. TiddlyWiki and Monmotha's firewall script come to mind.

- reading the huge quote file (hundreds of entries, two strings,
author and quotation) in each time the program starts

- loading the quotes into an array in the program

I don't imagine you'd see much difference here. The content must be read from disk and organized in a python structure regardless.

I'd like to be able to add new quotes easily, so that is a factor as well.

I'm satisfied to use a dialog box, I don't need a GUI at this point so
no tkinter (yet).

There's not much difference either in the 'launch a program' or 'load a program' approaches to adding quotes.

For learning purposes, I think I'd advise a complete newbie to start with the monolithic approach and build up and out from there.


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