Hello anonymous questioner,

> ok, thanks for your help Andre

your welcome.  hope you continue enjoying python.


> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 2:37 PM, Andre' Walker-Loud <walksl...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> to have multiple dirs is simple,
>> for dir in glob.glob(MainFolder + '*/01/') + glob.glob(MainFolder + '*/02/') 
>> + glob.glob(MainFolder + '*/03/'):
> there may be a better way, but this should work.
> By the way, not to discourage you from asking questions on the list, but many 
> of these things can be deduced quickly by trial and error using the python 
> interpreter (the interactive python shell).  That is one thing I really like 
> about python, you really can just play around with it.  And with all things, 
> if you figure it out on your own, then you will likely feel better about 
> that, and also, you will retain the knowledge better and gain more confidence 
> in trying new things.
> Cheers,
> Andre
> On Aug 29, 2011, at 9:18 PM, questions anon wrote:
>> It worked! thank you. This is the code I ended with:
>> for dir in glob.glob(MainFolder + '*/01/'):
>>         print dir
>>         for ncfile in glob.glob(dir + '*.nc'):
>>                 print ncfile
>> can you choose more than one folder with glob?
>> i.e. I tried:
>> for dir in glob.glob(MainFolder + '*/01/', '*/02/', '*/03/'):
>> but I received:
>> TypeError: glob() takes exactly 1 argument (3 given)
>> thanks
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Andre' Walker-Loud <walksl...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> hello,
>> yes, I would also try adding a wild card in the dir search
>>>> for dir in glob.glob(MainFolder + '01\*'):
>> to check if this is helps, in an interpreter (rather than script) try
>> dirs = glob.glob(MainFolder + '\01\*'):
>> print dirs
>> if you get "[]" then this was not the answer, but if you get a list of 
>> directories, then this should work.
>> Well, it should work with the correction
>>>>         for ncfile in glob.glob(dir+'\*.nc'):
>> Cheers,
>> Andre
>> On Aug 29, 2011, at 8:35 PM, questions anon wrote:
>>> thanks, that was an error by me. but that still doesn't help me select the 
>>> dir and files! 
>>> Could it be because I am trying to select folders within other folders to 
>>> then get a file from each of those folders?
>>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 1:30 PM, Andre' Walker-Loud <walksl...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Anonymous Questioner,
>>> I am not sure how the Windows environment works, but in linux, I would 
>>> replace
>>>>         for ncfile in glob.glob('.nc'):
>>> with 
>>>>         for ncfile in glob.glob('*.nc'):
>>> ie, add the "wild card" '*' character to grab all files which end in '.nc'
>>> Andre
>>> On Aug 29, 2011, at 7:23 PM, questions anon wrote:
>>>> Thanks for responding
>>>> When I try glob.glob I receive no errors but nothing prints.
>>>> MainFolder=r"E:/Sample/"
>>>> for dir in glob.glob(MainFolder + '01'):
>>>>         print "my selected directories are:", dir
>>>>         for ncfile in glob.glob('.nc'):
>>>>             print "my selected netcdf files are:", ncfile
>>>> any suggestions? thanks
>>>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 10:07 AM, Emile van Sebille <em...@fenx.com> wrote:
>>>> On 8/29/2011 4:52 PM questions anon said...
>>>> I am trying to select particular files within
>>>> a particular subdirectory,
>>>> You might find glob a better starting point:
>>>> ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on
>>>> Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Aug 24 2010, 16:01:11) [MSC v.1500 32 bit 
>>>> (Intel)] on win32
>>>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> >>> import glob
>>>> >>> help(glob.glob)
>>>> Help on function glob in module glob:
>>>> glob(pathname)
>>>>    Return a list of paths matching a pathname pattern.
>>>>    The pattern may contain simple shell-style wildcards a la fnmatch.
>>>> >>> for filename in glob.glob(r'C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\*.txt'):
>>>>    print filename
>>>> ...
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\2011-01-WIP-Details.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\2011-02-WIP-Details.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\2011-03-WIP-Details.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\2011-04-WIP-Details.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\2011-05-WIP-Details.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\2011-06-WIP-Details.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\2011-07 - bankToRec.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\2011-07 - vsdsToRec.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\2011-07-WIP-Details.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\5790-00 RECONCILIATION.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\BankRecUtils.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\CapitalizationExamples.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\DEALLOCATE-2011-04.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\dump glsmf1 data for 2004-2010.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\MAR DEALLOCATION.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\Notes.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\shipping safety net util.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\UNBILLED WIP.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\Vacation Accrual - post-bonus-changes.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\Vacation Accrual - pre-bonus-changes.txt
>>>> C:\WSG\GL\2011-08\vacation accrual notes.txt
>>>> >>>
>>>> I have been able to do both but not together!
>>>> When I try to select my files within the dir loop nothing comes up, but
>>>> when I leave the files outside the dir loops it selects all the files
>>>> not just the ones in the dirs I have selected.
>>>> The code I am using is:
>>>> import os
>>>> MainFolder=r"D:/samples/"
>>>> for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(MainFolder):
>>>>     for dir in dirs:
>>>>         if dir=='01':
>>>>             print "selected directories are:",dir
>>>>             for ncfile in dir:
>>>>                   if ncfile[-3:]=='.nc':
>>>>                         print "ncfiles are:", ncfile
>>>> Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!!
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