On 28/09/11 07:33, Mac Ryan wrote:

     raise BaseException('Something is wrong here!')

Never raise BaseException directly!
**I would like to know more on the rationale behind this
guidelines, though.**

raise StandardError('This value should be True.')

does the job in a much more elegant way than:

class ShouldBeTrueError(StandardError):
raise ShouldBeTrueError('Doh! An error!')

Can you explain why you think that is "more elegant"?
To me it looks ugly. If there are multiple errors
I need to open up the exception and test against
the message string (with all the dangers of mis-spelling

try:  someFuncWithMultipleExceptions()
except StandardError, e:
       if e.message == "This value should be True":
       elif e.message == "This value should be black":
except ValueError:
     var = raw_input("oops, that's an invalid value, try again")

try:  someFuncWithMultipleExceptions()
except ShouldBeTrueError:
except ShouldBeBlackError:
except ValueError()
     var = raw_input("oops, that's an invalid value, try again")

The second form is more precise, more robust, and consistent
with the built in exception handling.

Remember that when handling exceptions we should be trying
to recover the situation not just bombing with an error message. Exceptions should not be thought of as purely about messages, they are opportunities to recover the situation without the user even being aware that something went wrong. Only when recovery is impossible should we bomb out with a message. Otherwise you might as well do it this way:

if errorDetected:
   print "It's all gone terribly wrong"
   raise SystemExit

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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