bob gailer wrote:

It is not crucial here - but you must recognize that your program uses floating point numbers, which almost always are an approximation to the
"real" value.

For example (assuming decimal numbers):

 >>> 4/3.0
1.3333333333333333 (followed by an unending number of 0's).

Actually no, it is not followed by an unending number of zeroes. That would imply that floats had infinite precision, but 4/3.0 was merely calculated inaccurately. That's not the case: floats have a finite precision, but are (or at least, should be) accurate to within the limitations of that precision.

The exact value for 4.0/3 is actually:


which is the closest possible binary fraction to 4/3.

The "real" value of 4/3.0  is 1 followed by an unending number of 3's.

Each successive fraction's floating point value will be "off" by some relatively small value. Those errors will probably add up.

Another limitation of floating point numbers is that there is a maximum and a minimum exponent. Eventually the fractions will be too small to convert to float, raising an overflow exception.

I don't think you need to worry about that. It takes a pretty big denominator before overflow will occur: a googol won't do it:

>>> 4.0/10**100

Even though the series given is very slow to converge (3000000 terms is only accurate to 6 decimal places), I expect that it will converge before the terms overflow. It might take many hours or days of processing though.

Allof this raises the question - what computer algorithms successively approximate pi exactly?

Er, by definition you can't APPROXIMATE something EXACTLY. But see here for more approximations to π

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