lina wrote:

> But I am getting confused later:
> def translate_process(dictionary,tobetranslatedfile):
>     results=[]
>     unique={}
>     for line in open(tobetranslatedfile,"r"):
>         tobetranslatedparts=line.strip().split()
>         results.append(dictionary[tobetranslatedparts[2]])

>         unique=Counter(results)
>         with open(base+OUTPUTFILEEXT,"w") as f:
>             for residue, numbers in unique.items():
>                 print(residue,numbers,file=f)

As Dave says, the above four lines should run only once, outside the for-

Here's a way to avoid the intermediate results list. As a bonus I'm removing 
access to the `base` global variable:

def change_ext(name, new_ext):
    >>> change_ext("/deep/blue.eyes", ".c")
    return os.path.splitext(name)[0] + new_ext

def translate_process(dictionary, tobetranslatedfile):
    with open(tobetranslatedfile, "r") as f:
        results = (dictionary[line.split()[2]] for line in f)
        unique = Counter(results)

    with open(change_ext(tobetranslatedfile, OUTPUTFILEEXT), "w") as out:
        for residue, numbers in unique.items():
            print(residue, numbers, file=out)

> it still the same in the OUTPUTFILE as before,
>  $ more atom-pair_6.txt
> {'26SER': 2, '16LYS': 1, '83ILE': 2, '70LYS': 6, '55HIS': 5}

Unlikely. Verify that you are running the correct script and looking into 
the right output file.

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