Oh.  Sorry.  It's 500 lines, so I'll just post an example.  Windows Vista
and Python 3, just because I forgot.

class K:

def __init__(self): doThis()

def doThis(self): print("Hi.")

k = K()

>From what I understand by your help, the code

class K:

def __init__(self): self.doThis()

def doThis(self): print("Hi.")

k = K()

should work.  Thank you for coping with my lack of code to work with.

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 4:23 PM, Peter Lavelle

> Hi,
> Could you post a copy of the code you are working on, so we can help you
> better with this?
> Usually, when calling a method in the same class you use the syntax:
> self.method_name()
> 'self' refers to an attribute or method within the same class.
> Sorry, if this does not help you.
> Regards
> Peter Lavelle
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