It was the default action before with the right-click. I don't care about double-click. I just looked on my XP, and that's the way it's done on 2.5.2 there. I have no idea how this got onto double-click. Let's not worry about it in any case.

We can quibble some more, but I'm done with this effort. See my next post to Alan in a minute or two. Nevertheless, thanks for the help.

That's not entirely true, actually. See, the DEFAULT association for Python files, as set by the installation, is just to run the damn things using python.exe or pythonw.exe - NOT to edit them in IDLE. By default, if you want to edit the script you right-click and select "Open in IDLE" (or you use some other editor/IDE), but if you double-click it the script just runs. What's messed with all of that is your insistence that you want IDLE to be the default action. And there's nothing wrong with that either - but you need to recognize that it is NOT the default setting, and plan accordingly.

           Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)

             (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
              Obz Site:  39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet

             "My suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer
              than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose." --
              Physiologist and Geneticist J.B.S. Haldane 1860-1936

                    (Maybe not, Dr. Haldane. We have an
                     amazing imagination)

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