On 11/19/2011 04:59 PM, Dave Angel wrote:
On 11/19/2011 01:36 AM, Kĩnũthia Mũchane wrote:
On 11/19/2011 06:03 AM, Asokan Pichai wrote:
Another way to do that is to avoid any intermediate variables altogether
That may be easier to understand YMMV

def counter(mylist, val):
     if len(mylist == 0):
            return 0
     if mylist[0] == val:
           return  1 + counter(mylist[1:], val)
           return counter(mylist[1:])
The intermediate variable explanation by Dave actually clinched it for me. Actually, the one I wrote is suspiciously similar to yours ;-). Anyway, thanks Asokan!

FWIW, Asokan's code looks exactly right to me. But I figured the version I supplied would make it clearer to you what was happening.
It made it crystal clear, thank you very much.

The key to thinking recursively is to figure out exactly what the function as a whole does, then figure out how to use exactly such a function that solves a somewhat smaller problem, to solve the whole thing. Since the function as a whole takes in a list, and returns a count, that's the way to use the "smaller problem" function. Both Asokan's answer and mine do that. But his "local variable" is implied in the expressions, where I made it explicit so you could see what was happening.
And I saw what was happening ;-)

If you're familiar with the mathematical proof by induction, this is very analogous.


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