On 27/11/11 13:52, surya k wrote:

Actually, I want to develop a multiplayer Bingo game.

When you say multiplayer do you mean many client
desktops or a web game? The solutions will be
very different.

 to develop it in python & C.

Since Bingo is not a high speed game Python should
be perfectly capable of doing all you need.

could you please tell me what libraries I should
> use for development?... etc

If its desktop based look at pyGame for the
game bits(obviously!) and Twisted for the
networking bits. Twisted is quite a complex
framework but very powerful and once you get
your head around it perfect for your needs.

If it's a web game then Django or some of the
other Python web frameworks will do all you need.
Take a look at the various web pages and FAQs on
the Python web site before choosing a framework.
Consider whether you need database support,
security features, etc etc. Some are better in
those areas than others.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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