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On 2011-11-27 23:21, Deanna Wilson wrote:
Yes it is homework, but not from Penn state. It is a Geog690 class. I'm
having difficulties with determining where the rhino is referenced in the
split line, determining if the dictionary has a key for the rhino and if no
key exists, creating a new array object. So pretty much writing the
dictionary. I think I got the rest of the script just not understanding the
dictionary portion. I would appreciate any help/advice.

Here is part of my script where I tried to create a dictionary

rhinoLocalDictionary = {}

def rhinoName(Rhino, Lat, Lon, dictionary):
if rhinoName in dictionary:
dictionary[rhinoName].append([Lat, Lon])
dictionary[rhinoName]= ([Lat, Lon])

You define the function "rhinoName" with the parameter "Rhino" but inside the function you use "rhinoName" which is the function's name.

You want to build a list of lists for each dictionary-value. But then you need to start the list with a nested-list in the else-branch. Otherwise your list will start with two elements followed by two-elements lists:

>>> d = {}
>>> d[1] = [1, 2]
>>> d[1].append([3, 4])
>>> d[1]
[1, 2, [3, 4]]     # That's not what you want
>>> d[2] = [[1, 2]]
>>> d[2].append([3, 4])
>>> d[2]
[[1, 2], [3, 4]]   # Better

But assuming that your lat/lon-values don't change I would suggest using tuples.

HTH, Andreas
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