On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 2:00 AM, shawn taylor <sht...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I find it rude and offensive that you would make the assumption that this is
> my homework, this is not my homework but a study guide for my final tomorrow
> that I have no idea how to do. I have been working on this all day and this
> was my last resort for finding help. I am new to python and my teacher has
> taught us very little and expects us to be able to do this.  Thanks a lot
> I'm probably going to my final, resulting in me failing the semester.

Alright, if it really isn't your homework, I'm sorry I made that
assumption. However, since it starts with "in this assignment" and you
had no further explanation, I don't really think it was an unfair
assumption to make. You could've explained to us where the problem
came from. You could have been a little more polite. After all you are
asking us to take our personal time to help you. A please and thank
you never hurt anyone.

I could tell you how to do that assignment, but you'll learn very
little from just reading my code. The best way to learn how to program
is to just do it. As I said, if you get stuck and come to us with
specific questions we'll be more than happy to help you. Alan has
already stepped up and given you some pointers (he's really a much
more patient person than I am most of the time ;) But he's keeping it
kinda vague because really, your question is kinda vague too.
Everything you need to do is right there in the assignment. So what do
you already know, and what do you need help with? Be specific!


P.S. make sure to CC the list so they know what's going on too. keeps
discussion central.
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