
I'm wondering if someone could walk me step-by-step through installing
Python and some third-party modules. I've never used Python or other
programming languages before, but I'm just trying to install it so I can
run a simple script. I'm running Mac OSX 10.6.8.

Here's the instructions in the ReadMe file for the script:

"Developed for Python v2.6.6, you must have matplotlib, csv, and scipy
modules downloaded. The complete python package (including all modules) are
available through Enthought.com, which is free for academic institutions.
 Otherwise, downloading python and individual modules is free through
sourceforge.net.  If using version < 2.6.6, you may need to 'import math'.
 NOTE:  If you download python and the modules separately (not as a
package), it may be possible that you need the Numpy module instead of the
csv module. There is no need to change the import statements in the script
for either case."

The thing that was causing me the most trouble was figuring out how to
install the modules. For example, from what I read it sounded like in order
to install the Numpy and Scipy modules I had to first install other modules
or tools like distutil, virtualenv, and pip, but even after doing that I
couldn't get Numpy and Scipy to install. I was also confused about whether
I should use v.2.6.6 or whether I could/should use 2.7.2.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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