On 3/30/2012 4:26 PM, chris knarvik wrote:
Alright i have been trying to right a (relatively) simple to calculate area and volume below is my current working code

Suggestion: start with a VERY SIMPLE program and get that working. Then add one new feature at a time.

Is the following in Area.py? If it is then the traceback could not have come from importing this code, because line 10 does not mention areamenu().
In fact areamenu() appears ONLY in line 1, but not by itself!

def areamenu():
    print 'Square (1)'
    print 'triangle (2)'
    print 'rectangle (3)'
    print 'trapazoid (4)'
    print 'circle (5)'

def squareacalc():
    sidelength = input('enter side length: ')
    print ' the side length is' sidelength ** 2

def displaymenu():
    print 'please make a selection';
    print 'Area (1)';
    choice = input(raw_input('enter selection number'):
    if (choice == 1):

        print 'choice' , choice, ' is wrong try again'

def selctiona():
    choicea = input(raw_input'enter selection');
    if (choicea == 1):

 print 'good bye'

I keep getting this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>
    import Area
  File "C:\Python27\Area.py", line 10
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

can anyone tell me what im doing wrong i cant see the problem
help would be appreciated

What are you using to run the above? I'll guess the interactive window of IDLE. Try reload(Area). Once a module is imported you must reload to import it again. (I am assuming you made changes after the initial error.)

The above code should give you something like:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "Script3.py", line 10
    print ' the side length is' sidelength ** 2
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

fix that (do you know what to do?) then you should get a syntax error for line15. Why is there a : at the end of that line?
then you have 1 more trailing : to deal with.
then there is a missing )
then there is a missing (

Once you fix all the problems then you should see
good bye
since that is the only executable code in Area.py other than def statements.

Suggestion: start with a VERY SIMPLE program and get that working. Then add one new feature at a time.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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