On 4/17/2012 2:23 PM, leo degon wrote:

> Ok so I've done a bit of work on the program and rewrote it. I tried to take everyones advice. I've used more functions, > I've made it so that it is a list of lists each containing an integer instead of another list with a single entry.

I'm glad to see you using some of my ideas!

> Im am having problems thinking of how to simply and elegantly calculate the surrounding cells. > I could brute force it as i did originally, but I'd like some pointers of how to avoid that. > As of now, the script is finished for that 'small' detail. I have it so that instead of actually calculating the surrounding cells, > that functions says that all the cells on the board are surrounding by three cells. > Therefore setting the entire board alive after the turn zero. I am still trying to include three different versions of the bounadry conditions. >Boundary conditions, what happens when a cell on the edge of the board tries to calculate the number of surrounding live cells.
> Dead- Those nonexistent cells add nothing.
> Live-Those nonexistent cells add one per cell. So add 5 to the corners, and one to edges.
> Bound- The dimensions are bound. So you get to the end and loop around.


I again recommend you add extra rows and columns around the space so you always use one formula for surround.

For dead initialize the extra cells to 0
For live initialize the extra cells to 1
For bound - every time you change a boundary cell make the same change to the corresponding extra cell.

I hope that makes sense. Does it?

Also recall my condensed way of summing surrounding cells. I realize I made a mistake in my original proposal - in that it counted the cell itself as well as the neighbors. Easy to fix.

Originally I suggested:
for r in range(1,x+1):
  for c in range1,(y+1):
    surrounding = sum([sum(space[r+z][c-1:c+2]) for z in(-1,0,1)])

New suggestion:
def determinelife(surronding,space,i,j):
return sum(space[i-1][j-1:j+2]) + sum(space[i][j-1:j+2:2]) + sum(space[i+1][j-1:j+2])


Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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