Python generally comes with support for sqlite3.

you can store your date in to sqlite db and then try running sql query
for finding of the details.

select year, sum(MeanRain) where year='1972' group by year;
select month, sum(MeanRain) where month='Jan' group by month;

** Not sure regarding the exact sql query. sum function and 'group by'
is important.

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 11:37 AM, questions anon
<> wrote:
> I would like to calculate summary statistics of rainfall based on year and
> month.
> I have the data in a text file (although could put in any format if it
> helps) extending over approx 40 years:
> YEAR MONTH    MeanRain
> 1972 Jan    12.7083199
> 1972 Feb    14.17007142
> 1972 Mar    14.5659302
> 1972 Apr    1.508517302
> 1972 May    2.780009889
> 1972 Jun    1.609619287
> 1972 Jul    0.138150181
> 1972 Aug    0.214346148
> 1972 Sep    1.322102228
> I would like to be able to calculate the total rain annually:
> YEAR   Annualrainfall
> 1972    400
> 1973    300
> 1974    350
> ....
> 2011     400
> and also the monthly mean rainfall for all years:
> YEAR  MonthlyMeanRain
> Jan      13
> Feb      15
> Mar       8
> .....
> Dec       13
> Is this something I can easily do?
> I have started by simply importing the text file but data is not represented
> as time so that is probably my first problem and then I am not sure how to
> group them by month/year.
> textfile=r"textfile.txt"
> f=np.genfromtxt(textfile,skip_header=1)
> Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
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