Dear All,

Sorry it seems that I got the wrong mailing list to subscribe ...

I got the idea that this list was open to newbies ... by the answers I got I see that I was wrong


In that case, what do you use for data of the last key?

If you really have to handle the case where there is a final key with no
data, then you'll have to detect that case, and make up the data
separately.  That could be done with a try block, but this is probably

rawlines = object.readlines()
if len(rawlines) %2 != 0:
    rawlines += ""      #add an extra line
lines = iter(rawlines)

for keyline in lines:
    linedata =
    for word in searches:
        if word in keyline:
            print word, "-->", linedata

after chatting in other mailing lists about other languages I realized that this mailing list is not in my league for python ... Interestingly I did got a strange advice from this list: try awk ... of Perl for the job, as Python is kind of tricky to print the next line that you selected (yes that was my question and I still don't understand how ppl advise me to insert new lines in 500Mb files and so on to do it...)

Once again sorry about the time.



On 2012-05-09 16:16, Dave Angel wrote:
On 05/09/2012 11:04 AM, Afonso Duarte wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Angel []

Please post your messages as plain-text. The double-spacing I get is
very annoying.

Sorry for that my outlook mess-it-up

I'm sure there's a setting to say use plain-text.  In Thunderbird, i
tell it that any message to forums is to be plain-text.

There's a lot you don't say, which is implied in your code.
Are the lines in file B.txt really alternating:

data for key1
data for key2

Sure, that's why I describe them in the email like that and didn't say that
they weren't

Are the key lines in file B.txt exact messages, or do they just
"contain" the key somewhere in the line?
 Your code assumes the latter,
but the whole thing could be much simpler if it were always an exact match.

The entry in B has text before and after (the size of that text changes from
entry to entry.

In other words, the line pairs are not like your sample, but more like:

trash  key1    more trash
Useful associated data for the previous key
trash2 key2    more trash
Useful associated ata for the previous key

Are the keys in A.txt unique? If so, you could store them in a set, and
make lookup basically >instantaneous.

That indeed I didn't refer, the entries from A are unique in B

Not what I asked. Are the keys in A.txt ever present more than once in
A.txt ?  But then again, if the key line can contain garbage before
and/or after the key, then the set idea is moot anyway.

I think the real question you had was how to access the line following the
key, once you matched the key.

True that is my real question (as the code above works just for the title line, I basically want to print the next line of the B.txt for each entry)

Something like this should do it (untested)

lines = iter( object )
for key in lines:
   linedata =
   if key in  mydictionary:
        print key, "-->", linedata

Main caveat I can see is the file had better have an even number of lines.

That changes from file to file, and its unlikely i have all even number.

In that case, what do you use for data of the last key?

If you really have to handle the case where there is a final key with no
data, then you'll have to detect that case, and make up the data
separately. That could be done with a try block, but this is probably

rawlines = object.readlines()
if len(rawlines) %2 != 0:
    rawlines += ""      #add an extra line
lines = iter(rawlines)

for keyline in lines:
    linedata =
    for word in searches:
        if word in keyline:
            print word, "-->", linedata



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