is that better? not html... ? hey. Austin here for some reason this
command. all it does it produces the
error message at the bottom.. itll say my name and the persons name im
trying to send the message to but thats it. heres the command.

mgr.addCommand("tell", 1, "send a person a message to the rooms he is in",
tell, unlisted = True)

def tell(mgr, croom, user, msg, args):
        name = args.lower().split(" ")[0]
        if not name.isalnum(): return Html("Non-alphanumeric name,
        data = shared_db.get("seen:" + name)
        if data == None:
                return Html("I have no records about this user.")
        data = json.loads(data)
        for room in mgr.rooms:
                if data[1] == "join":
                        mgr.sendObject(target, Html("<b>%s</b>,<b><font
color='#3399CC'>%s</font></b>  wants to tell you<b><i>%s</i></b>",
                        return Error("<b>%s</b>  I couldn't find %s
anywhere",, name.title())

i built it off these 2 commands

def broadcast(mgr, croom, user, msg, args):
        for room in mgr.rooms:
                mgr.sendObject(room, Html("Broadcast by<b>%s</b>:%s",, args))

def seen(mgr, room, user, msg, args):
name = args.lower().split(" ")[0]
if not name.isalnum(): return Html("Non-alphanumeric name, seriously?")
data = shared_db.get("seen:" + name)
if data == None:
return Html("I have no records about this user.")
data = json.loads(data)
ifdata[1] == "join":
return Html("Last seen<b>%s</b>  join<b>%s</b>,<b>%s</b>  ago.", name,
data[0], tdelta(data[2]))
elif data[1] == "leave":
return Html("Last seen<b>%s</b>  leave<b>%s</b>,<b>%s</b>  ago.", name,
data[0], tdelta(data[2]))
elif data[1] == "message":
return Html("Last seen<b>%s</b>  message in<b>%s</b>,<b>%s</b>  ago:
<i>\"%s\"</i>", name, data[0], tdelta(data[2]), data[3])
return Html("I have no records about this user.")

as you can see i only use some of the command. it doesnt produce an error
message tho.. just repeats "return Error("<b>%s</b>  I couldn't find %s
anywhere",, name.title())"

~Keitaro Kaoru-Sama~
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