Might I recommend you use the logging module that is part of core
Python rather than rolling your own if Debug. I found the logging
module made growing my logging across multiple applications so easy!

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Chris Hare <ch...@labr.net> wrote:
> Thanks all for the ideas.  I wanted to have my own error messages printed for 
> the user - something a little more meaningful than the standard error.
> Thanks for the advice - very helpful!
> On Jul 9, 2012, at 6:12 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:
>> On 09/07/12 10:19, Kwpolska wrote:
>>> Why does this bloody ML want me to respond to the last person instead
>>> of tutor@python.org?
>> Because that's how it, along with many other mailing lists, works.
>> If it helps, think of it as you receiving a mail from the sender and CCd to 
>> the list. Therefore hitting reply sends to the person who sent the mail and 
>> ReplyAll goes to everyone. Seems logical to me! :-)
>> It allows me to choose to reply to the OP only or to the group, I use both 
>> depending on the nature of my reply. (About 80% of my replies go to the 
>> everyone.) But some prefer it differently... :-)
>>>> Why not the more usual:
>>>> import sys, os, imp, stat,    \
>>>>        re, webbrowser, Image, \
>>>>        StringIO, shutil, datetime
>>> Why not the more standard:
>>> import sys
>>> import os
>>> and so on?  http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#imports
>> Indeed but the OP seemed to want to remove duplicate coding so I assumed 
>> that he included using multiple imports.
>> Personally I'd probably code the above as:
>> import sys, os, shutil, stat, datetime
>> import re, StringIO
>> import webbrowser,
>> import Image,
>> import imp
>> Which groups things into roughly related categories - system,
>> strings, other...
>> OTOH I ignore large chunks of Pep 8 because I find its style harder to read 
>> than the one I'm used to. But then, I'm not contributing to the standard 
>> library etc... Style is largely a matter of taste.
>> --
>> Alan G
>> Author of the Learn to Program web site
>> http://www.alan-g.me.uk/
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