On 22/07/12 06:58, Santosh Kumar wrote:

prompt = raw_input("Can you tell me your name? ")
if prompt in ("Yes", "yes", "y", "Y"):
     name = raw_input("What's your name? ")
elif prompt in ("No", "no", "n", "N"):
     exit("OK, have nice day..")
     prompt = name

Don't you want

       name = prompt?

I want that if anyone enter their name at the first prompt the name
should be stored in "name" variable, or else if they enter anyone of
("Yes", "yes", "y", "Y") they should be given another prompt where
they can enter their name. But currently when I enter name other than
("Yes", "yes", "y", "Y") it says that name is not defined. How can I
fix this?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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