> I have a with few million lines. I want to process each block of 8
> lines and from my estimate my job is not IO bound. In other words it
> takes a lot more time to do the computation than it would take for
> simply reading the file.
> I am wondering how can I go about reading data from this at a faster
> pace and then farm out the jobs to worker function using
> multiprocessing module.
> I can think of two ways.
> 1. split the split and read it in parallel(dint work well for me )
> primarily because I dont know how to read a file in parallel
> efficiently.
> 2. keep reading the file sequentially into a buffer of some size and
> farm out a chunks of the data through multiprocessing.
> Any example would be of great help.

The general logic should work, but did not test with a real file.

with open( file, 'r' ) as f:
    data = f.readlines()
iterdata = iter(data )
grouped_data =[]
for d in iterdata:
    l = [d, next(iterdata)] # make this list 8 elements instead
    grouped_data.append( l )
# batch_process on grouped data

Theoretically you might be able to call next() directly on
the file without doing readlines().


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