On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Matthew Ngaha <chigga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> i have a way to set a timer for creating new objects copied from a
> book but as i have started my next exercise in a very different way, i
> want to avoid that math method/formula as it will cause me to
> rearrange some classes totally...
> i tried a simple method but its not working. any ideas?

threading has a Timer:


    >>> def print_msg(msg):
    ...     print msg

    >>> t = threading.Timer(1, print_msg, ('Spam',))
    >>> t.start()
    >>> Spam

    >>> t = threading.Timer(3, print_msg, ('Spam',))
    >>> t.start(); t.join()  # waiting...

There's also the sched module, but only if you're not using threads:


    >>> s = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)

    >>> e = s.enter(3, 1, print_msg, ('Spam',))
    >>> s.run()

    >>> e = s.enterabs(time.time() + 5, 1, print_msg, ('Spam',))
    >>> s.run()
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